Mubarak Mohemed Adam | a teacher in the targeted school

My name is Mubarak Mohamed Adam, I’m 47 year old and I live in Abhas area in Sheijkan locality, North Kordofan State. I’m a teacher and I have family with 5 members included 3 children. I’m also Secretary General of the parents’ council of Abhath School for boys.
Our school is located at remote areas with high crowd of pupils including returnees, IDPs and poor families. Really this targeted school was built through a series of challenges that we faced for more than three years. The government is lacking of sufficient resources and failed to response to our need (basic school in this area). We mobilized our people and we managed to construct these classes frequently till we finished all the classes. We thank our community contribution in doing this. We are very excited when we informed that our school has been selected to be supported through these project activities. Our surprise because many NGOs come and get required needs and gone without feedback. This led to frustrate us. Now we are very happy that DMA and SOS Sahel are committed and relive the hope in NGOs promises. This action has equipped us with much more information, knowledge and understanding which added value to our simple knowledge. Previously we considered COVID 19 as normal chest infection but now we realized that it is different and it is danger pandemic that needs more care and attention. This ignorance related to lacking of access to awareness channels and media as we live in remote areas. “It is really right project in the right place” he added. We know much about the preventive measurement to be undertaken, esp. vaccination, be in distance, no gathering, using face masks, using hand washing with soap before /after eating, etc. I think now we are really in better understanding about COVID 19 danger and at the same time we have learned about public health which also reduced the negative impact of COVID 19 as we have been taught. “open defecation will be zero inshaalla) spelt out amusing.
This project really considered for us as turning point in our school. It was encouraged even our youth community and parents council to mobilize the respective community to contribute in fencing the school which was previously without any privacy and at the same time encouraged MOE to contribute with student seat for 2 classes. This is as result of the SOS and DMA commitment towards this project. Our school now is very recognized and many parents come to us to apply for their children to be enrolled in our school. “We are very proud of that”.
Also we have learned about the child right and protection for the first time which is new exposure for us and this will help us to follow these new information and rights for example; we will not impose physically or psychological penalties for the pupils rather than using different methods we learned like ‘” given more duties for the pupil instead of kicking him/her”, watering school garden for long time, using individuals meeting for counseling and appreciate children good done among their colleagues to feel proud and appreciated, etc, Previously we used kicking hard as good tool for penalty but we realized that it is harmful for our pupils.
Regarding this pandemic we will follow the preventive measures that we learned from the workshops we attended like using face masks, sanitizers, soap before and after food, etc… the most important learn for me is that vaccination is very important as preventive way for COVID 19. Previously we thought that this immunization might lead to death or affect delivery. Now I’m in a better understanding of the importance of vaccination for me and my family.
This project inspired new feeling to me and positive change in my life towards the importance of knowledge and understanding of COVID 19 and public health as well for everybody.
“I’m now a transformed man, he stated proudly. I hope this kind of support would continue for other children schools esp. schools at remote vulnerable areas to help in improving health and environment of our poor children. change of concepts and belief.
“My wish now is to be as change agent in both school and among my community; it is a holy message”
Project information:
DMA is providing support through SOS Sahel Sudan to implement a project named “The negative impact of COVID 19 among school children in NKS” a one year project in Sheikan locality, North Kordofan State. The project started in 1st Marc 2022 and will be ended in April.2023. The project was planned to benefit around 1700 people as direct beneficiaries including school pupils, teachers and parent councils. The project is implementing by SOS Sahel Sudan in collaboration with the MOH, MOE, schools management and Parent Councils.
The goal of the project “To contribute to the reduction of the negative impacts the COVID 19 pandemic has had on Child rights among school children in NK State.