September 11, 2024

Red Sea Programme

Activities Projects 

Our programmes focuses on Natural resource management and resource-based conflict reduction; Livelihood options for both farmers and pastoralists and enhance shared management of shared resources; Mainstream the participation and influence of women, youth, pastoralists and other livelihood groups such as fishers in programmatic interventions; and Emergency response for affected communities in the programme area
Red Sea:
Red Sea Programme is focuses on Food Security and Livelihoods
In Red Sea State, we support small scale producers on livelihoods and food security through adaptation to climate change. The main target groups are fisheries and horticulturists. They are traditionally pastoralists, but their modern livelihoods include fishing and horticulture production.

about East Sudan Projects:

  • Sustainable access to water, and improved sanitation and hygiene behaviour Project is funded by UKAID Implemented SOS Sahel Sudan in Haya locality, Red Sea State. The project is a part of Programme that being implemented through a consortium in three States of Eastern Sudan, Kassala , Gadref and Red Sea . Objective of the project is Sustainable use of water resources and clean drinking water supply, and improved sanitation &hygiene behaviour , the project duration is June 2014 – March 2019 but now extended to Dec. 2020. The total fund of the project is GBP 2,378,910, the target beneficiaries is 65000 HHs.


  • Integrated Improvement of Household Food Security Project is funded by European Union and implemented by SOS Sahel Sudan the project is complementary component to water project funded by UKAID in Haya locality, Red Sea State. The objectives of project are Farmers, pastoralists and vulnerable households and adopt practices for sustainably improving household food production or income and dietary diversity. The duration of the project is Jan.2017 – Dec.2019, and has been extended to Dec. 2020. The total Fund is EURO 928,535, the target beneficiaries are 20,000 HHs


  • Capacity strengthening of Civil Society Organisations in Eastern Sudan Project is funded European Union and implemented by SOS Sahel Sudan and ZOA in Red Sea State and Gadaref State respectively through partnership. SOS Sahel Sudan is covering two localities by the project in Suakin and Gunib & Awleb localities; the total fund for SOS Sahel is Euro 670,000 for three years Jan. 2018 – Dec.2020. the objective of the project is to enhance CSOs capacities to contribute to governance and development process. The project in Red Sea targets improving capacity of 99 CSOs.


  • The French Embassy in Khartoum is funding women empowerment Project Kassala State. The project is implemented by SOS Sahel Sudan with technical support from SOS Sahel France. The project total fund is Euro 100,000 for 15 month starting in January 2020. The project targets 400 women to support them in income generation activities in Rural Kassala locality.