October 16, 2024

Within the framework of the above-mentioned project, the SOS Sahel team has started their engagement in data collection, to gather reliable data that could enable SOS Sahel to support the agricultural production for smallholders in South Kordofan State and White Nile State during this emergency that resulted from the war facing the Sudanese people in general and peasants in particular.  This activity is planned to gather data about the current agricultural season in Rabak of White Nile State. It is expected to pave the way for achieving one of the project’s three outcomes, which seeks to solve the problem of low productivity levels via ensuring sustainable increased production and income for smallholder producers mainly women. The project targets smallholder farmers in Rabak, White Nile State, via supporting agricultural processes.

Notably, this is a seven-month project, that started last June 2024 and will continue up to December 2024. The project is designed to support the agricultural season in the White Nile State of Sudan, where women are the main targets.

However, the project is implemented by SOS Sahel Sudan, as a member, (with World Relief) of a consortium led by ZOA International.

Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Sudan)

Duration: 1 September 2022 until 31 August 2026 (48 months)

Budget: EUR 3,140,188.44

Location: While Nile and South Kordofan States