February 23, 2025

Funded: Norwegian Church Aid
Budget: $20,000
Number of beneficiaries: – 989 individuals (348 men – 290 women)
Project achievements: –
 Upgrading a water well to a solar energy station to provide water for the fish pond in the village of Al-Sangkaia.
 Excavation of a basin with an area of (20 * 30 m) and a depth of 2 meters.
Training of 20 men and women from the Fish Farming Committee in Al-Sangkaia.
Downloading the first fry from the fish and continuing the feeding and follow-up operations.


 The weakness of the local community’s culture of the importance of the family and the presence of food and food in the family meal
 Advertising and marketing that needs awareness
 Water source: There are some problems in the water process, but they have been resolved
 There were some security problems, three pieces were broken (solar energy
 Planning and full study of such an image
 Choosing the appropriate company for inspection and supply of fry.
 Cement, plastic, or fiberglass basins are the perfect choice for this image.
 Coordination and full cooperation with all production partners
Lessons Learned:-
 Attempting to add value in this project, by taking advantage of the explanation of the fertilized plant in the cultivation of vegetables and tomatoes.